Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Trip to Fonts Point and Lunch Out

This morning Skip and I took a trip to Fonts Point. Pedro Font was a Spanish priest and diarist on the second anza expedition to California. We headed up Fonts Wash which accessible only by four wheel drive, after a few miles, we parked and climbed up to the point, and this is what we saw.

Looking south over the badlands to Mexico

A dry creek bed

That's the dry lake bed where we are camped.

Then we went for lunch at a small Mexican restaurant in Borrego springs, where we found more animals
I had to show you this one.

the detail is amazing. As usual you can click to enlarge.

Glad it's warming up for you all.


1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures Mom. Looks beautiful in those badlands. Why are the roads so bad, is it the secondary roads you'r on? Looks like a great trip so far. Those metal sculptures are amazing. Rypen has been given another leave of absence, too bad. Samuleson is on the THIRD line, crazy but maybe it will work. Burrows back with the twins, starting to look good. Love you all have fun. Stu
