Friday, November 25, 2011

No Black Friday Shopping For Us


There is nothing in this world that would get me even close to a shopping mall on Black Friday… well maybe one thing.



We did go for water at the rest stop just a couple of miles  up the highway. The rest area is right by the dunes.



Every day we take the dogs out to play ball and every day it is the same routine, Sophie is the fastest runner, with Louie right behind her.



Jake is not so fast. Although he is kicking up dust.


It is really had to get a picture of them running because the bostons are so fast  the pictures blur.

We throw the ball for quite a while and Louie decides when the game is over, he literally picks up his ball and goes home.



Sophie  and Jake are in hot pursuit.



But there is no stopping him


He’s home,



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Imperial Dam LTVA Revisited.


Last December we went in the tracker to Imperial Dam Recreation Area, we were not impressed all we saw was a large flat gravel area, We have been told by several people that we didn’t drive far enough and that there were several campgrounds beyond what we saw.

So this morning we set out to  see what we had missed last year.We took the Winterhaven  turnoff and I 24 . We stopped at Imperial Date Garden for a Date Shake.


Date farm across the road


About ten miles from the turnoff we found what we had missed last year.



Senator Wash


South Mesa Campground



Seventy Five Dollars A Year is pretty good, I think



Lots  of RVs here.


There is a dump, water and garbage here.

We didn’t go into this campground,


Kripple Creek was off the road a bit, we didn’t see a fee sign, but it looked like some people were there for the winter


Most of the sites were tucked away by themselves


I don’t think there were any services other than garbage dumpsters.

There is another area past Senators Wash  called Squaw Lake that was several miles away.

Just outside Kripple Creek we let the dogs out for some exercise.


There is nothing cuter than a Boston butt


The highways are really getting busy with Thanksgiving approaching, there are an unbelievable number of RVs on the road.



Monday, November 21, 2011

Hanging Out In Yuma


We are still on Ogilbe road , we have made a few trips into Yuma, on Saturday we went to a RV show, that was put on by Mesa Rv. We sure saw some beauties,we really liked the Winnebago Adventurer, the one we were in was a 38 ft. 2006, with 24,000 miles. It was listed at $89,000. the salesperson tried hard to get Skip to take it for a test drive, but he wouldn’t do it.

2006 Winnebago Adventurer in Arizona

this isn’t the one we were in I found this picture on the web.

We also liked the Allegro Breeze, it was 32ft, air ride, diesel pusher,22 miles to the gal. A little pricy for us at $169,000. Fun to look at though.

Yesterday we had to stay home to watch our BC Lions play in the western final, they played so well, now we have to  stay in next Sunday and watch the Grey Cup, which is being played in Vancouver.

We have been to several Rv  supply stores we bought a Oxygenics  shower head, which we really like, it really increases the water pressure in the shower.  We have decided to change our inside lights to LED  bulbs, so today we started by buying three bulbs, boy what a difference, the LED ones are so much brighter, and use so much less power.

The dogs sure like it here, we can take them out without their leashes and they have lots of room to run, even Jake has been running with the Bostons  which is really unusual.

Another sunset




Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quartzsite to Parker….No Yuma


Yesterday we packed a lunch and headed for Crystal Hill in the Kofa Wildlife Refuge, which is nine miles south of Quartzsite. Crystal Hill is six miles from the highway on one of the roughest roads we’ve been on.


Crystal Hill


Crystal Hill is one of the few places where you are allowed to keep any crystal you find, you are not allowed to dig them up or use any tools to find them. we were told that the rock hounds have got most of them but it is possible to find little ones. We walked up the wash and scrambled up the hill looking for  the glints of crystal.


Skip thinks he saw something.


A closer look.


We spent a couple of hours hunting, the biggest one I found had Coke imprinted on it, but we did find a few small ones, and had fun looking for them.


After we ate our lunch we drove back to Q, to let the dogs out and pack up the motor home for the move to Parker. We had everything ready for an early start this morning, just a matter of putting the dogs fence away. We had to go into Quartzsite this morning to dump the holding tanks and take on water, from there we only had a thirty five mile drive to Parker and the BLM campground beside the river. We did that and as we are pulling out of the water and dump place, Skip said maybe we should go to Yuma instead, so we turned left instead of right and drove to Yuma.. He was concerned with the American Thanksgiving being  next week, that the  small campground would be crowded already.

So we are back on Ogilby Road  twelve miles from Yuma, actually we are in California. It is warm  and there only a few RVs here. I guess Parker will wait for another time.

Our Spot


Our View




Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday in Quartzsite, Saturday in Parker


We spent Friday with our friends from Lasqueti Island, Charlotte and Mike arrived around ten.They brought their i-pad with pictures of the BLM campground they are staying  at in Parker about 35 miles from Quartzsite. They have a lovely site right on the Colorado River, which costs $5.00 per night. We may go there for a week before we head to Yuma.We headed into Quartzsite for lunch at Carl Jrs, This was the first time Skip and I have been to a Carl Jrs restaurant, we had burgers with guacamole they were very good  but very messy, I wore half of mine.

After lunch we drove around a bit, they showed us the BLM campground at Dome Mt, that we had tried to find when we first got here, we were on the right road we just didn’t drive far enough. Then we parked and wandered through all the tents that were set up, I don’t think anyone bought anything, but it is fun to look. They dropped us off at our site about three and they headed back to Parker. I left my camera on the charger so I didn’t take any pictures, but they go to a lot of the same areas we do and we will meet up again.

Yesterday (Saturday) Skip wanted to go to a car show that was being held at the Casino in Parker. WE also wanted a few things from the Wal-Mart there. There weren’t many cars at the show, but  there were some nice ones.

This truck was turning on a pedestal so I cut off the back






This was Skips favorite


I had never seen bicycles entered in a show.





The music was really really loud, especially when we got to the cars with the hydraulics that hopped up and down. I was ready to go after one tour around, but Skip wanted to look some more so I gave him the camera and I went to check out the casino. It was really smokey  so I didn’t stay long, I put some money in the penny slots and within a few minutes I had won $ 137.00 I am not sure how, a whole pile of wild cards kept paying off. I cashed in, got my money from the cashier and I was out of there. When I found Skip he was ready to go, so we went to Wal-Mart for a few groceries, went for lunch on my winnings and headed back to Quartzsite.

Today we didn’t do a thing except take the dogs for a couple of walks and sit in the sun reading. Tomorrow we have to do laundry….such a hard life this is.



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quartzsite and Meeting Friends


We are in Quartzsite  at the BLM land on Plomas Rd. There are not many RVs here at all. None of the BLM campgrounds we have seen have had many  rigs in them. Of course it is early yet for Quartzsite. There are not even many vendors set up yet.

Our site


If you click to  enlarge you can see our closest neighbour



We found a surplus store that had lots of used books, we were able to find a half dozen interesting looking ones. Last year I went into a used book store in Borrego Springs and got four books, turned out I had read three of them previously. We also bought a collapsible laundry hamper.


Tomorrow our friends Charlotte and Mike are coming to Quartzsite for the day, we will probably go out for lunch, hopefully they will know a good spot. We met Charlotte and Mike when we were in Cottonwood. They saw our BC license plates and stopped to say hello, turns out they are from Lasqueti Island which is a small island about 7 miles off the coast of Vancouver Island. In fact we can see Lasqueti Island from our house.

Lasqueti Island is interesting because the 300-400 residents live completely off the grid,and  like it that way. Now of course people use cell phones but until recently they used radio phones.There is no car ferry onto the island,  there is a passenger ferry but I don’t think it runs every day in the winter months. Vehicles are brought onto the island by barge.  Charlotte and Mike have lived there for 32 years, before they retired Charlotte taught school, and Mike built fishing boats. They have camped all over the southwest, right now they are at a BLM campground in Parker,about 35 miles from here

We are watching the Canucks play LA, it will be a late game as it didn’t start until 8:30 Arizona time.


Monday, November 7, 2011

We’re Leaving Ajo Tomorrow


After twelve days of doing nothing, we are leaving Darby Wells Road. The weather has been extreme either very warm, or very windy or raining, last night we were awoken by thunder and lightening.

We haven’t had any more visitors other than the birds who woke us up every morning. So we have spent our time  sitting outside reading, watching hockey, and  walking with the dogs. We did go to lunch a couple of times at Marcela's Café and Bakery in Ajo. The Mexican food there is really good and inexpensive.


Travelling with three dogs is quite challenging at times, our motorhome is 30ft long but has no slides, Jake is over 100lbs and insists on being right beside us at all times.


Sophie and Louie are only twenty lbs but being terriers they  are busy all the time.

They also like to be close and Skip never says no to them


I am afraid I don’t have his patience.

It took Louis no time at all to get the squeaker out of his new toy, but he is sorry. He has such a guilty look.



We are planning on heading up to Quartzsite for a while, and then to Kofa Wildlife Refuge but as usual that is subject to change.
