Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Four Months Home…Three to Go.


It’s hard to believe we have been home four months. Our spring was disappointing wet  and gloomy, it seemed we couldn’t have two nice days in a row. Then came Juneuary, we were so envious of the nice hot weather that seemed to be everywhere but here.

BUT, along came July and wow, it has been so lovely and warm. As soon as the weather changed we loaded up the motorhome and headed for Miller Creek which is a forestry campsite in Strathcona Provincial Park. The there are no services at Miller Creek, also no cell phone service, too many trees for  satellite TV.Thank goodness for Sirius Radio.

These pictures are from  last year.

The Lake


In spite of the poor weather earlier we have been really busy, we restained  two of our decks floors ,and stained all the woodwork, including the spindles. Jake was supervisor.



The one good thing about the cool weather, the flowering  plants seemed to hold their blooms longer.



I made a new path behind the pond, and spread bark mulch in an effort to keep the weeds under control.

The before and after                                             





The other end of the path



Now it is the middle of July and we have already received  a package from our medical insurers, with the rates for next year, about three months from now we will be heading south for our third winter. The maps are out already!

Relaxing at Miller Creek


